When I was six years old, my family moved to Russia from
Armenia. When I went to school, I didn’t know the Russian
language at all, only two words “Äà” and “Íåò”. Also we lived
in the bad district of town. My classmates didn’t accept me. I
was a foreigner. I didn't speak Russian and I was weak.

They were cruel to me every day, teasing me and wanting to
fight. I could do nothing. But in my class there was a boy named
Ivan who accepted and liked me. He even taught me Russian. He
was also weak physically.
When I told my father about the problem, he played a great
role in helping me. He made me go to judo and train there. I
became very strong and won some competitions. I made friends
with many peers in two years. Gradually I began to notice that
my classmates respected me.

They were even afraid of my best friend Ivan because I stood
up for my friend. He was a very clever boy, but he didn’t like
sports. Ivan liked reading and writing. He was an excellent pupil.
He helped me and I also did well at school. There was a fine
mutual understanding between him and me.
Soon my family moved from that district to a better one. I
was very glad, but I missed my friend Ivan. In the new school my
classmates accepted me at once.
My own life story shows how an intolerant attitude turned to
respect. It is even good that I had such difficult situations in my
life. Now I know how to solve such problems.
I. Understanding the Story
Ask these questions with your partner.
1. What was Gevorg's first problem?
2. What did Ivan do to help Gevorg?
3. Why did Gevorg's classmates insult him?
4. How did Gevorg's father help him?
5. How did Gevorg help Ivan?
II. Vocabulary
Complete these sentences with the best words.
mutual district peers solve weak respect
1. Later he became friends with many of his ______________ .
2. After he learned judo, he was not ______________________ .
3. They had ______________ understanding about many things.
4. They were intolerant and showed him no ________________ .
5. There are many ways to ______________________ problems.
6. He moved from a poor ___________________ to a richer one.
III. Now you Talk
In a group, create three thinking questions to ask about this story.
A thinking question cannot be answered in one or two words,
like “yes” or “no”.
IV. Now you Write
1. An answer to one of the questions in Exercise I.
2. Write a news report about a competition.
3. Write a character description of Gevorg and/or Ivan.
V. Role Play
1. The writer and two bullies: They criticize him.
2. The writer and Ivan: They become friends.
3. The writer and his father: The father suggests solutions.
4. The writer and Ivan: They talk about their future.
5. The writer and a teacher: The teacher congratulates him for his
wisdom. |